The HVAC repair in Brooklyn that I had couldn’t have come at a better time. On a cold winter day, my heater stopped working, and I couldn’t take it. I was working from home at the time, and I was so cold that my teeth were chattering, which has never happened to me. I tried to warm myself up by putting on more clothes, wearing blankets, and even using some hand warmers, but none of those really got me to the warmth that I would experience if I had a working heater.
This made me think of the time that I was home shopping, and passed up on a house that had a working fireplace. The home was similar to the home that I have now, but it just had a fireplace in the living room. It looked great and really made the living room stand out, but I figured that I didn’t need it because any home that I would purchase would have a working heater. I also didn’t want to have to deal with cutting firewood or buying it from the store to burn for heat.
Every now and then, I pass by the home that had the fireplace, and think about what would have been, but I don’t let it bother me too much. Since my heater is working again thanks to the repairs, the thoughts about the fireplace are replaced by ones about the heat coming from the vents of my home. Still, it would be interesting to have one in my living room for an aesthetic purpose. I guess I could have one installed, but have it not connected to anything. If people can have gas fireplaces installed, then I should be able to do the same, but there’s no requirement to have an active gas line supplying to it.